
TV Series
Plot Summary:Kei Kurono is a typical high school student in a selfish world, not caring about anyone other than himself. However when, by chance, he was forced to help out his childhood friend, Katou Masaru, rescue a drunkard who fell into subway tracks, both he and Katou were killed… Or not. After being run over by the train, they were suddenly teleported to an enclosed apartment with others who recently died. And now their lives are controlled by a mysterious black ball inside the apartment called GANTZ, and they are forced to participate in a “game” of unprecedented danger and [Readmore...]horror. Genres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernatural Genres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernaturalGenres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernaturalGenres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernaturalGenres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernaturalGenres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernatural
HD Anime is a site to watch online anime like Gantz online, or you can even watch Gantz in HD quality
Plot Summary:Kei Kurono is a typical high school student in a selfish world, not caring about anyone other than himself. However when, by chance, he was forced to help out his childhood friend, Katou Masaru, rescue a drunkard who fell into subway tracks, both he and Katou were killed… Or not. After being run over by the train, they were suddenly teleported to an enclosed apartment with others who recently died. And now their lives are controlled by a mysterious black ball inside the apartment called GANTZ, and they are forced to participate in a “game” of unprecedented danger and [Readmore...]horror. Genres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernatural Genres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernaturalGenres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernaturalGenres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernaturalGenres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernaturalGenres: action, drama, horror, psychological, science fiction, supernatural
Other names: ガンツ
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 26
Release Year: 2004
Type: TV Series
Status: Completed
HD Anime is a site to watch online anime like Gantz online, or you can even watch Gantz in HD quality


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